Questions about BDPay

FAQ Products and Services

Questions about BDPay products and services
BDPay helps you transfer to multiple accounts and electronic money at once at a lower price than conventional methods and provides a virtual account for the topup method.
Currently at BDPay we have Virtual Accounts from several banks :
Bank Mandiri
We will continue to add to the completeness of the Bank for Virtual Account services

FAQ Products and Services

Questions about BDPay API integration stages and process
Integration is the process of assimilation or unification of two or more systems so that they become a unified whole for a particular purpose. In this case, it is the process of connecting the BDPay system with the merchant's system/website, so that online transactions on the merchant's website can be carried out.
There are several things that can cause a merchant not to receive an HTTP response, including connections from the merchant, method errors when making requests and incorrect URL requests. This causes the BDPay system to be unable to accept requests from merchants and so there is no HTTP response from requests made by merchants.
BDPay provides complete API documentation, as well as sample responses for each request which can be seen in the BDPay API documentation.